Over 70% of Oregon’s total agricultural production is produced by a broad range of field, fruit and vegetable crops. The state has close to 40,000 farms. Oregon exports 80% of its agricultural products which half of it goes out of state and the other half goes out of the country. Beef cattle are the leading livestock product. One-fourth of the country’s total llama population is owned by Oregonians. Major crops here include pears, cherries, strawberries, beans, peas, peaches, plums, and nuts. The state leads the nation in production of hazelnuts, blackberries, Christmas trees, and dried herbs. It is in Oregon where one will find the Tillamook Cheese Factory, the largest cheese factory in the world.



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Top Five Lists

Top 5 Commodities

1. Greenhouse/nursery
2. Cattle and calves
3. Dairy products
4. Hay
5. Wheat

Top 5 Ag Exports
1. Other
2. Fruits and preparations
3. Seeds
4. Wheat and products
5. Vegetables and preparations

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