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Salmon Cream Cheese Dip

About Salmon Cream Cheese Dip

The key to this dip is to use quality smoked salmon available at higher end grocery stores or deli's. You can also use full fat cream cheese for a richer flavor.

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 12 oz fat free cream cheese softened
 8 oz smoked salmon
 1 tbsp lemon juice
 ¼ cup fresh dill, finely chopped
 ¼ cup onion, chopped
 4 celery ribs
 12 red potatoes (small)
 pepper to taste

Let cream cheese come to room temperature. Blend cream cheese, salmon, lemon juice, dill and onions in a large food processor. Place mixture into a pastry bag and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (or over night).


Boil potatoes and let them cool, then cut them in half and scoop out center with a melon baller. Cut celery into 4" pieces. Pipe salmon mixture onto the celery and potatoes. Arrange on a serving platter. Garnish with salmon, capers and dill. Keep chilled until the guests arrive.

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