Known as "a headwaters state", Wyoming provides water to streams and rivers that span the nation. The state’s economic well being revolves around 3 industries- extraction of minerals, agriculture and tourism. The value of agricultural sector output annually exceeds one billion dollars. Wyoming is cattle country with production of cattle and calves providing for over three-fourth of the state’s total agricultural production. Hogs, sheep and lambs are somewhat important, followed by dairy products and honey. Wyoming has over 810,000 sheep and ranks second in the nation for wool production. Hay is considered the most important crop to the economy followed by sugar beets, barley, and wheat.



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Top Five Lists

Top 5 Commodities

1. Cattle and calves
2. Hay
3. Hogs
4. Sheep and lambs
Sugar beets

Top 5 Ag Exports
1. Feeds and fodders
2. Feed grains and products
3. Seeds
4. Wheat and products
5. Live animals and meat

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